Department hosts 2024 GDCB Research Day; 4 GDCB students receive poster awards
Around 80 Department of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology faculty, students, postdocs, staff and guests attended the 2024 GDCB Research Day at Reiman Gardens on May 8 to learn about research from colleagues in and outside of the department.
Speakers included GDCB Associate Professor Marna Yandeau-Nelson, Fang Liu (postdoc in the McGrail lab), GDCB Assistant Professor Michelle Guo, Karl Kerns (assistant professor in animal science), Justin Walley (associate professor in plant pathology, entomology and microbiology), GDCB Assistant Professor Raquel Espin Palazon, GDCB Adjunct Assistant Professor Ping Kang, and Distinguished Professor Diane Bassham.
Lightning talks were presented by Anurag Das (graduate student in Bai lab), Saiful Islam (graduate student in Aung lab), Kelby Kies (graduate student in Tuteja lab), Anh Pham (graduate student in Bai lab), and Ella McGrath (undergraduate student in Kelley lab).
Several attendees presented posters at the research event with four receiving awards: Kelby Kies, first place; Panchali Chakraborty, second place; and Sabrena Rutledge and Sahiba Siddiqui, tied for third place.